Water's Edge - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I buy my Water’s Edge?
If you are confused as to which of the 4 Water’s Edge Systems to purchase, click [here] to answer a few questions and gain clarity. If you still have some questions regarding your particular water problems, feel free to call or e-mail us.
Why Does my Water’s Edge Unit Rattle?
Within your Water’s Edge is a grouping of ceramic pieces that force the water into a spinning motion. Some of the pieces are mobile to keep the water from taking the path of least resistance. The movement is necessary, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with your Water’s Edge unit if you hear some movement inside.
How often do I change my filters?
Filter change is dependent on the usage of the water and the water source itself. A family of 5 will use a lot more water than a family of 2! Each carbon block filter is good to remove 100% of chlorine and most 5 micron sediment up to 8,000 gal. After that much usage chlorine removal lowers incrementally. You will most likely be able to taste the chlorine return to the water if you wait too long to change your filter. But be aware that before you will be able to taste the chlorine and other added chemicals you will already be consuming them. We recommend changing your filter AT LEAST every 3 months. The Chloramine filter removes 100% of chloramine for the first 7,000 gallons and 100% of chlorine for 100,000 gallons
Sediment filters are even more dependent on usage. If you have Waters Edge System 3, you don’t need us to tell you that you’re water source has problems! But you have a double filters than Water’s Edge System 1 or 2 has, so it may or may not need to be changed every 3 months. If you have an extreme amount of sediment it might be more than every 3 months. Because we offer a premium filter housing with a clear sump base, you can easily view your filter and see if it needs to be changed. Sediment will show up on a sediment filter. When 30% of the filter is covered in sediment, it’s time to change. If you start to experience problems with sediment in your shower, dishwasher or drinking water, it’s time to change your filter. If it’s been over 3 months, it is also time to change your filter.
How do I change my filter?
See the yellow instruction card prepackaged in your water filter housing, follow below, or view our [video].
Locate the on/off valve before your Water’s Edge System and turn it off. On the highest level of your home, flush a toilet 1-2 times or turn on a faucet until the water stops flowing. Then turn off the on/off valve after your Water’s Edge System. Use the housing wrench to unscrew the filter housing. You should be able to use your own strength to do unscrew it. (If the housing will not budge, it means that you have pressure built up in your line. Turn the on/off valve after your Water’s Edge System back into the on position and turn on a faucet in order to release more water pressure. The filter housing will not budge if there is any pressure in the line.) It may be helpful to place a bucket under the filter housing to catch any water dripping from the filter. The filter will come out with the sump base and can be discarded. The new filter will fit into the sump base and line up with the top of the filter housing as well. The filter will fit perfectly when sitting in the middle of the housing, it should not be leaning one way or the other, but be perfectly upright.
Using your hands or plastic housing wrench tighten your sump base to the top of the housing. There is NO NEED to muscle the base or tighten it past it’s point of tightness. You will most likely crack the housing filter and need to purchase a new one. We value your business very much, but a new housing filter, if broken by you, will not be covered under your warranty. To purchase a new housing filter contact us directly, as we do not sell these individually on our website. If this is the case, we will fill your order promptly.
Who will test my water for hardness?
If you are connected to a municipal supply, call the water Superintendent, or City Hall. They can either provide the answer, or direct you to the proper individual. Remember the conversion factor: it takes 17.1 PPM to equal 1 GPG. In other words, if your water has 171 PPM calcium in it, divide 171 by 17.1 to get the answer in grains. This example would be 10 grains of hardness, or GPG. If you are on a private supply, you could contact your county extension agent: collect a sample in an approved container and send to the city, state health department for testing or find a testing lab. For $10 one of our available representatives can do some simple tests including hardness, pH, and total dissolved solids. If you are on a private well, you and you alone, are responsible for the safety of the water you’re drinking. You should test your supply for bacteria at least once per year and other contaminants at least every three years. To be on the safe side we recommend UV sterilization for all well water. It is up to you to make sure your family is protected from disease causing bacteria if you have a private well.
Structured water reduces most bacteria in water, and can soften water depending on TDS in water. Although the Water’s Edge unit does not remove anything out of water, it will cause suspended solids to drop out of the water so they can be absorbed by the filters in the Water’s Edge System. If you find that you water is extremely hard, you will want the Water’s Edge System 3,4, or 5. Testing your water is always recommended.
Hard Water
What is hard water?
Hard water is the most common problem found in the average home. Hard water is water that contains dissolved hardness minerals above 1gpg (grains per gallon).
What are hardness minerals?
Calcium, Magnesium, and Lime are the most common.
How do you measure hardness?
Parts per million or grains per gallon are the most common. One part per million (PPM) is just what it says: out of one million units, one unit. Grains, or grains per gallon (GPG) is a weight measurement; one dry grain of wheat, or about 1/7000 of a pound. It takes 17.1 PPM to equal 1 GPG. If you want to discuss this in-depth you will need to talk to our technical department here. (link to contact us) Basically, 2 gpg or more is hard water.
My water is hard; now what?
It’s time for Water’s Edge. Let us help you find the system for your needs. If your water tests over 3 GPG hard, you should mechanically soften it. Softening water that is less than 3 GPG, while it makes your shaving and bathing more comfortable, is considered a luxury due to the fact that the cost is more than your savings. Over 3 GPG, you will save enough to pay for the cost and maintenance of a Water’s Edge system, which has less maintenance than a water softener.
Why should hard water concern me?
For many uses, it would not matter. For instance, to put out fires, water your lawn, or float your boat, water would have to be pretty hard to cause a problem. But for bathing, washing dishes and clothes, shaving, washing your car and most importantly, drinking, hard water is not as efficient or convenient as structured water that is naturally softer. With structured water:
You use much less soap cleaning with structured water.
Because hard water and soap combine to form calcium soap, an insoluble curd that can't be rinsed off, forming a bathtub ring on all surfaces and dries leaving unsightly spots on your dishes, as well as adhering to your skin.
When hard water is heated, a portion of the minerals are re-crystallized to form a scale. This scale can plug your hot water pipes and water heater, causing premature failure, necessitating costly replacement.
For many industrial uses, the hardness of water can interfere with mechanical processes.
Water That Stains
I Have Red Stains In My Sinks and Other Fixtures
Oxidized Iron
This type of iron is usually found in a surface water supply. This is water that contains red particles when first drawn from the tap. The easiest way to remove this type of iron is by a fine mechanical filter. Water’s Edge offers a 1 micron iron filter as a specialty within Water’s Edge System 3 (which will cause these floating particles to drop out of the water, being easily picked up by the filter) that will solve this problem. Because of the constant recurring of iron it may be necessary to change your filter more often than the usual 90 day recommendation. This will completely depend on how much water is run through the system. For instance, a family of 5 will go through a filter more quickly than a family of 2.
Soluble Iron
Soluble iron is called "clear water" iron. After being drawn from the well and contacting the air, the iron oxidizes, or "rusts," forming reddish brown particles in the water. Depending on the amount of iron in the water, you may solve this problem with a water conditioner (we obviously recommend Water’s Edge!), or a combination of conditioner and filter. You can sometimes hide the effects of soluble iron by adding chemicals that, in effect, coat the iron in the water and prevent it from reaching oxygen and oxidizing. Keep in mind that if you choose to go the chemical route, you will shower, wash your clothes, and ingest these chemicals.
I Have Blue or Green Stains on My Fixtures — Help!!
You either have copper in your water supply, or you have copper pipes and corrosive water. You can test for copper in your water. Test the pH, total dissolved solids content and the oxygen content of your water. Water’s Edge System 3 is a complete solution for this problem.